
Executive Summary

  1. The number of CoVid tests among Data2X02 students does not appear to follow a Poisson distribution.

  2. The flossing habits of Data2X02 students appear to be independent of the time elapsed since their last visit to the dentist.

  3. It appears that male and female Data2X02 students do not spend the same average amount of time studying each week.

Initial Data Analysis

1. Is this a random sample of Data2X02 students?

No. Although this survey was made accessible to all students of Data2X02, it is naive to assume that the respondents represent a random selection among the cohort.
Since it was not compulsory, we can be confident there is some level of non-response bias. It is likely that diligent students are overrepresented - those most engaged with the subject and its online forum. Conversely, uncommitted or part-time students may be underrepresented - either unaware of the survey or simply choosing not to participate.

2. Other biases

  • Non-response bias is most likely to skew variables related to study and work; Time spent studying, time spent working, and stress level are all feasibly linked to university diligence.
  • Response bias could be present for potentially sensitive questions; Participants may not wish to disclose their postcode - preferring to omit a response or provide a fake answer.
  • Observer bias is potentially present. In a survey that is a part of their study, many students may (consciously or unconsciously) be influenced to misreport their study habits or stress levels.
  • Selection bias is definitely a risk, but can be mitigated if we limit our conclusions to the population from which we are sampling. If we claim to be able to draw conclusions pertaining to all humans, we neglect an intrinsic selection bias in our sampling.

3. Do questions need improvement?

Yes. Answers to several questions cannot be interpreted with any confidence due to the range of possible responses allowed. For instance:

  • “What is your shoe size?” must specify a sizing convention in order for us to make any meaningful comparison across observations.
  • “How tall are you?” should specify a measurement unit for the same reason.
  • Many questions requested free-text response, permitting misspellings and aberrant responses. The resulting answers demand, therefore, considerable manipulation - sometimes requiring inference that cannot be substantiated. To resolve this, questions regarding gender, social media, and eye colour could all reasonably provide a list of responses from which to choose.

Cleaning and Inspecting

Import data and clean column names

Column names are cleaned using the Janitor package for R.
Once cleaned, column names are manually abbreviated where appropriate.

raw = readr::read_csv("")

x = raw %>% janitor::clean_names()

colnames(x)[2] = "covid_test"
colnames(x)[4] = "postcode"
colnames(x)[5] = "dentist"
colnames(x)[6] = "study_hrs"
colnames(x)[7] = "social_media"
colnames(x)[8] = "pet"
colnames(x)[9] = "live_with_parents"
colnames(x)[10] = "exercise_hrs"
colnames(x)[11] = "eye_colour"
colnames(x)[12] = "asthma"
colnames(x)[13] = "work_hrs"
colnames(x)[14] = "fav_season"
colnames(x)[15] = "shoe_size"
colnames(x)[16] = "height"
colnames(x)[17] = "floss_freq"
colnames(x)[18] = "glasses"
colnames(x)[19] = "dom_hand"
colnames(x)[20] = "steak_pref"
colnames(x)[21] = "stress"

t1 = tibble(Index = 1:21, `Abbreviated` = colnames(x), `Original question` = colnames(raw)) %>%
  setDF() %>% kbl() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",
Index Abbreviated Original question
1 timestamp Timestamp
2 covid_test How many times have you been tested for COVID?
3 gender Gender
4 postcode Postcode of where you live during semester
5 dentist How long has it been since you last went to the dentist?
6 study_hrs On average, how many hours per week did you spend on university work last semester?
7 social_media What is your favourite social media platform?
8 pet Did you have a dog or a cat when you were a child?
9 live_with_parents Do you currently live with your parents?
10 exercise_hrs How many hours a week do you spend exercising?
11 eye_colour What is your eye colour?
12 asthma Do you have asthma?
13 work_hrs On average, how many hours per week did you work in paid employment in semester 1?
14 fav_season What is your favourite season of the year?
15 shoe_size What is your shoe size?
16 height How tall are you?
17 floss_freq How often do you floss your teeth?
18 glasses Do you wear glasses or contacts?
19 dom_hand What is your dominant hand?
20 steak_pref How do you like your steak cooked?
21 stress On a scale from 0 to 10, please indicate how stressed you have felt in the past week.

Variable typing and missingness

R’s automatic attempt at interpreting variable types needs attention.

  • Gender ought to be considered a factor, but to do so, misspellings and obvious mistakes must be cleaned and corrected. The gendercodeR package groups the free-form text entries for gender logically.
  • Postcode needs to be reclassified, since it is not actually a numeric value.
  • Submission Timestamp can be made a time object using lubridate.
  • Numerous other columns should be considered factors rather than character variables.

Visualising the observations by grouping them by their typing both verifies those typing decisions, and enables us to notice those observations with high missingnesss.

x$gender = gendercodeR::recode_gender(x$gender)

x = x %>% mutate(
  gender = as.factor(gender),
  postcode = as.character(postcode),
  gender = as.factor(gender),
  timestamp = lubridate::dmy_hms(timestamp),
  pet = as.factor(pet),
  live_with_parents = as.factor(live_with_parents),
  eye_colour = as.factor(eye_colour),
  asthma = as.factor(asthma),
  fav_season = as.factor(fav_season),
  glasses = as.factor(glasses),
  dom_hand = as.factor(dom_hand),
  steak_pref = ordered(steak_pref, levels = c("Rare",
                                              "Medium-well done",
                                              "Well done",
                                              "I don't eat beef")),
  dentist = ordered(dentist, levels = c("Less than 6 months",
                                        "Between 6 and 12 months",
                                        "Between 12 months and 2 years",
                                        "More than 2 years")),
  floss_freq = ordered(floss_freq, levels = c("Every day",
                                              "Most days",
                                              "Less than once a week"))

Variable typing and missingness

Variable typing and missingness

Discard observations that are more than 80% empty.

## Remove rows with more than 80% NA
x = x[which(rowMeans(! > 0.8), ]


Consolidate all heights into CM.

p1 = x %>% ggplot(aes(x = height)) +
  geom_histogram(fill="tomato") +
  labs(x="Height", y="Count")

x = x %>% 
    height = dplyr::case_when(
      height < 2.5 ~ height*100,
      TRUE ~ height
p2 = x %>% ggplot(aes(x = height)) +
  labs(x="Height (cm)", y="Count")
gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
Before and after height scaling

Before and after height scaling

Shoe size

Observations appear to employ a range of shoe sizing conventions. We can attempt to convert european sizes ~40 into UK sizes using a formula, and ignore the few observations >200.
Even after doing this, there are still too many confounding variables and odd values suggesting that the data cannot be meaningfully interpreted with any level of confidence.

p1 = x %>% ggplot(aes(x = shoe_size)) +
  geom_histogram(fill="tomato", binwidth = 8) +
  labs(x="Shoe Size", y="Count")

x = x %>% 
    shoe_size = dplyr::case_when(
      shoe_size > 20 & shoe_size < 100 ~ ((shoe_size-2)/ 1.27) - 22,
      TRUE ~ shoe_size
  ) %>% filter(shoe_size < 100 & shoe_size > 0)

p2 = x %>% ggplot(aes(x = shoe_size)) +
  geom_histogram(fill="tomato", binwidth=0.8)+
  labs(x="Shoe Size", y="Count")

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
Before and after shoe size scaling

Before and after shoe size scaling

Work, study and exercise Hours

Inspect the range and density of observations in free-response numeric variables.

p1 = ggplot(x, aes(x = work_hrs)) + 
  geom_density(color="darkblue", fill="lightblue") +
  labs(x="Weekly Paid Work (Hrs)", y="Density")

p2 = ggplot(x, aes(x = study_hrs)) + 
  geom_density(color="darkblue", fill="lightblue") +
  labs(x="Weekly Study (Hrs)", y="Density")

p3 = ggplot(x, aes(x = exercise_hrs)) + 
  geom_density(color="darkblue", fill="lightblue") +
  labs(x="Weekly Exercise (Hrs)", y="Density")

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, ncol=2)
Time spent on various activities; before filtering

Time spent on various activities; before filtering

While most observations fall within the realm of possibility, some responses are clearly non-serious or impossible. They are filtered out.
Should we choose to investigate the relationship between gender and any of these variables, we must omit non-binary entries since there are too few to carry any statistical weight.

x = x %>% 
  !(study_hrs > 75),
  !(work_hrs > 48)

x_bin = x %>% 
    !(gender == "non-binary")
p1 = ggplot(x_bin, aes(x = work_hrs, fill=gender)) + 
  geom_density(alpha = 0.6) +
  labs(x="Weekly Paid Work (Hrs)", y="Density") +

p2 = ggplot(x_bin, aes(x = study_hrs, fill=gender)) + 
  geom_density(alpha = 0.6) +
  labs(x="Weekly Study (Hrs)", y="Density") +

p3 = ggplot(x_bin, aes(x = exercise_hrs, fill=gender)) + 
  geom_density(alpha = 0.6) +
  labs(x="Weekly Exercise (Hrs)", y="Density") +
  scale_fill_discrete(name = "Gender", labels = c("F", "M")) +
  theme(legend.position = c(1.7,0.5),
        legend.background = element_rect(fill="lightgray",
                                  size=0.2, linetype="solid", 
                                  colour ="gray50"),
        legend.key.height = unit(1, "cm"),
        legend.key.width = unit(1, "cm")

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, ncol=2)
Time spent on various activities; after filtering

Time spent on various activities; after filtering

Bounded numeric variables

Inspect the remaining bounded numeric entries.
There is nothing to be done here.

p1 = x %>% ggplot(aes(x = covid_test)) + 
  geom_bar(fill="tomato") +
  labs(x="Number of Covid Tests", y="Count")

p2 = x_bin %>% ggplot(aes(x = stress)) +
  geom_bar(fill="tomato") +
  labs(x="Stress Level", y="Count")

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=2)
Inspecting numeric variables.

Inspecting numeric variables.

Eye colour

With eye colour we’ve taken a different approach, using the fct_lump() function from the forcats package. See fct_lump for details.

x = x %>% 
    eye_colour = tolower(eye_colour),
    eye_colour = forcats::fct_lump(eye_colour, n = 5)

p1 = ggplot(x, aes(x = forcats::fct_infreq(eye_colour),
                   stat="Identity", fill=eye_colour)) +
  geom_bar() + 
  scale_fill_manual("legend", values =c( "black"="gray15", "blue"="cyan4",
                                         "brown"="tan3", "dark brown"="salmon4",
                                         "green"="seagreen", "hazel"="khaki4",
                                         "other"="darkgray")) +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  xlab("Eye Colour") +

Eye colour; grouped

Eye colour; grouped

Ordered categorical variables

These need no attention.

p1 = x %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = dentist, stat="Identity", fill=dentist)) +
  geom_bar() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(x="Time Since Last Dentist Visit", y="Count")

p2 = x %>% drop_na(floss_freq) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = floss_freq, stat="Identity", fill=floss_freq)) +
  geom_bar() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(x="Floss Frequency", y="Count")

p3 = x %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = steak_pref, stat="Identity", fill=steak_pref)) +
  geom_bar() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(x="Steak Preference", y="Count")

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, ncol = 1)
Ordered categorical variables

Ordered categorical variables

Social media preference

Though this variable is very messy, we can resolve most issues by considering only the first two characters of each observation.
Some concessions must be acknowledged:

  • We will have a substantial other group due to the high number of unique entries.
  • Some entries contained two social media platforms - only the first is considered.
  • Entries of facebook messenger will be incorrectly classified as facebook, and not messenger - since we are only inspecting the first two characters.

Even with these concessions, the figure below is not without utility.

x = x %>% 
    social_media = tolower(social_media),
    social_media_sub = substr(social_media, 1, 2),
    social_media = case_when(
      social_media_sub=="fa" ~ "Facebook",
      social_media_sub=="in" ~ "Instagram",
      social_media_sub=="me" ~ "Messenger",
      social_media_sub=="re" ~ "Reddit",
      social_media_sub=="ti" ~ "TikTok",
      social_media_sub=="tw" ~ "Twitter",
      social_media_sub=="we" ~ "WeChat",
      social_media_sub=="yo" ~ "YouTube",
      social_media_sub=="no" ~ "None",
      ! ~ "Other",
      TRUE ~ social_media_sub

t1 = table(x$social_media)  %>% sort(decreasing=TRUE) 
t1 %>%
  kbl(col.names=c("Platform", "Count")) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",
Platform Count
Instagram 32
Facebook 30
WeChat 20
Reddit 18
Other 13
TikTok 10
YouTube 7
Twitter 6
Messenger 4
None 4
ggplot(data.frame(t1), aes(x=Var1, y=Freq, fill=Var1)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(x="Social Media Preference", y="Count")
Social media preferences; wrangled

Social media preferences; wrangled

Time distribution

We can inspect survey responses over time, and check for any worrying patterns.

x %>% ggplot() + aes(x = timestamp) + 
  geom_histogram(fill="tomato") +
  labs(x="Date", y="Count")
Distribution of responses over time.

Distribution of responses over time.

Hypothesis Test 1 - Covid Testing Numbers

Do CoVid Test numbers follow a Poisson distribution?

The covid_test variable indicates the number of CoVid-19 tests each respondent has received. Those counts are here visualised in a barplot:

# tabyl(x$covid_test)
counts = c(122, 28, 10, 4, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
tests = c(0:10)

df = data.frame(tests, counts)

p1 = ggplot(df, aes(x=tests, y=counts)) + 
  geom_bar(fill="tomato", stat="Identity") +
  labs(x="Number of Tests", y="Count") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks =tests , labels = tests)

CoVid-19 Test Numbers

CoVid-19 Test Numbers


We construct the following hypotheses to formalise our test.

  • \(H_0\): The data follow a Poisson distribution.
  • \(H_1\): THe data are not consistent with a Poisson distribution.

Set \(\alpha = 0.05\).


In order to conduct this test, we assert that:

  • Each observation is independent.
  • The expected frequency of each group \(e_i \geq 5\).

These assertions hold, since:

  • We have no reason to believe that the number of tests one respondent has had impacts other respondents.
  • We can combine any groups below the frequency threshold.

Generate model

n = sum(counts)
k = length(counts)

lambda = mean(x$covid_test)

p = dpois((0:length(counts)), lambda = lambda)
p[11] = 1 - sum(p[1:10])

ey = n * p

t1 = tibble("# Tests"=0:(length(counts)-1),
       "Actual Count"=counts,
       "Expected Proportion"=round(p,3)[0:length(counts)],
       "Expected Count"=round(ey,2)[0:length(counts)],
       ) %>% 
  setDF() %>% kbl() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",
# Tests Actual Count Expected Proportion Expected Count
0 122 0.595 100.47
1 28 0.309 52.25
2 10 0.080 13.58
3 4 0.014 2.35
4 1 0.002 0.31
5 2 0.000 0.03
6 1 0.000 0.00
7 0 0.000 0.00
8 0 0.000 0.00
9 0 0.000 0.00
10 1 0.000 0.00

Clearly, groups must be aggregated to meet the stated assumptions.

yr = c(counts[1:2], sum(counts[3:11]))
eyr = c(ey[1:2], sum(ey[3:11]))
pr = c(p[1:2], sum(p[3:11]))

t1 = tibble("# Tests"=c("0", "1", "2+"),
       "Actual Count"=yr,
       "Expected Proportion"=round(pr,3)[1:3],
       "Expected Count"=round(eyr,2)[1:3],
       ) %>% 
  setDF() %>% kbl() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",

# Tests Actual Count Expected Proportion Expected Count
0 122 0.595 100.47
1 28 0.309 52.25
2+ 19 0.096 16.28


With the assumptions satisfied, we can conduct a Chi-Squared goodness of fit test with 1 degree of freedom.

kr = length(yr)
t0 = sum((yr - eyr)^2/eyr)
pval = 1 - pchisq(t0, df = kr - 1 - 1)

t1 = tibble("Deg. Freedom"=c(kr - 1 - 1),
       "Test Statistic"=c(round(t0,2)),
       "p-Value (%)"=round(pval*100,4),
       "alpha (%)"= 5
       ) %>% 
  setDF() %>% kbl() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",
Deg. Freedom Test Statistic p-Value (%) alpha (%)
1 16.32 0.0054 5


As the p-Value is far below \(\alpha\), the null hypothesis \(H_0\) must be rejected. The data are not consistent with a Poisson distribution.

Hypothesis Test 2 - Dentist Visits & Flossing

Are the flossing habits of Data2X02 students independent of the time since their last dentist visit?

Informally, we can visualise this graphically.

# Construct a contingency table
ct = table(x$dentist, x$floss_freq)

mosaicplot(ct,ylab="Floss Frequency", xlab="Last dentist visit", main="", color=c("tomato", "orange", "gold2", "seagreen3"))

To formalise this investigation we can conduct a test for independence, using a Chi-Squared test. First, we must construct a contingency table. In order for later assumptions regarding minimum size of expected groups \(e_i\), we will lump some groups now.

# Construct a contingency table
ct = table(x$dentist, x$floss_freq)

# Combine first and last row, where group size is <5.
ct2 = ct
ct2[1,] = ct2[1,] + ct2[4,]
ct2 = ct2[1:3,]
rownames(ct2)[1] = "Over 12 months"

ct2.margins = addmargins(ct2)

ct2.margins %>%
  kbl(caption="Last Dentist Visit | Flossing Freq.")  %>% 
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",
Last Dentist Visit | Flossing Freq.
Every day Most days Weekly Less than once a week Sum
Over 12 months 16 5 14 21 56
Between 6 and 12 months 12 5 11 29 57
Between 12 months and 2 years 5 6 4 18 33
Sum 33 16 29 68 146


  • \(H_0\): All equalities hold - \(p_{ij}=p_{i\bullet}p_{\bullet j}\);\(i=1,...,r\),\(j=1,...,c\)
  • \(H_1\): Not all equalities hold.

Set \(\alpha = 0.05\).


In order to conduct this test, we assume that:

  • The expected frequency of each group \(e_i \geq 5\)\(^\ast\).

Test Statistic

With our margins identified, we can calculate our expected values \(e_{ij} = y_{i\bullet} y_{\bullet j}/n\)

c = 4
r = 3

yr = apply(ct2, 1, sum)

yc = apply(ct2, 2, sum)

yr.mat = matrix(yr, r, c, byrow = FALSE)

yc.mat = matrix(yc, r, c, byrow = TRUE)

ey.mat = yr.mat * yc.mat / sum(ct2)

yc = addmargins(ct2)
ey = addmargins(ct2)

ey %>%
  kbl(caption="EXPECTED VALUES: Last Dentist Visit | Flossing Freq.")  %>% 
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",
EXPECTED VALUES: Last Dentist Visit | Flossing Freq.
Every day Most days Weekly Less than once a week Sum
Over 12 months 16 5 14 21 56
Between 6 and 12 months 12 5 11 29 57
Between 12 months and 2 years 5 6 4 18 33
Sum 33 16 29 68 146

\(^*\)Note that exactly one group has less than 5 entries. We are allowing this for a 4x3 contingency table.

And subsequently our test statistic \(t_0 = \sum_{i=1}^r\sum_{j=1}^c\frac{(y_{ij}-y_{i\bullet}y_{\bullet j}/n)^2}{y_{i\bullet}y_{\bullet j}/n} = 7.2\)


Having found our test statistic, we can calculate our p-Value using a Chi-Squared test:

\(P(T \ge t_0) = P(\chi_{6}^2 \ge 7.2) = 0.3028\)

t0 = sum((ct2 - ey.mat)^2 / ey.mat)

pval = pchisq(t0, (r - 1) * (c - 1), 

t1 = tibble("Deg. Freedom"=6,
       "Test Statistic"=round(t0,2),
       "p-Value"=round(pval, 4)
       ) %>% 
  setDF() %>% kbl() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",
Deg. Freedom Test Statistic p-Value
6 7.2 0.3028


Since our p-Value is well above \(\alpha\), we maintain that the data are consistent with \(H_0\) - it appears that among Data2X02 students, flossing habits are independent from the time elapsed since the last dentist visit.

Hypothesis Test 3 - Study and Gender

Do Data2X02 students of different gender display different study time habits? Informally, we can observe our gathered data with some plots.

p1 = ggplot(x_bin, aes(x = study_hrs, fill=gender)) + 
  geom_density(alpha = 0.6) +
  labs(x="Weekly Study (Hrs)", y="Density") +
  scale_fill_discrete(name = "Gender", labels = c("F", "M")) +  theme(
    legend.background = element_rect(fill="lightgray",
                            size=0.2, linetype="solid", 
                            colour ="gray50"),
      legend.key.height = unit(1, "cm"),
      legend.key.width = unit(1, "cm"))

p2 = ggplot(x_bin, aes(x = gender, y=study_hrs, fill=gender)) + 
  geom_boxplot(alpha=0.6) +
  labs(y="Weekly Study (Hrs)", x="Gender") + 

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1,p2, ncol=2)
Initial study and gender plots

Initial study and gender plots

Graphically, it appears that there could be some difference in study time between males and females. We can tabulate some values to develop this intuition.

# Recall x_bin is all data excluding non-binary gender responses. 
malesVector = x_bin$gender == "male"
males = x_bin[malesVector,]
femalesVector = x_bin$gender == "female"
females = x_bin[femalesVector,]

means= c(mean(males$study_hrs), mean(females$study_hrs))
sds = c(sd(males$study_hrs), sd(females$study_hrs))
counts = c(count(males), count(females))

t1 = tibble("Gender"=c("Male", "Female"),
            "n"=counts) %>%
  setDF() %>% kbl() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",
Gender Mean SD n
Male 25.46 13.36 101
Female 30.83 14.35 48

However, we must still conduct a hypothesis test to formalise this inquiry.


We construct the following hypotheses to formalise our test.

  • \(H_0\): \(\mu_f = \mu_m\) - The mean study time for males and females is the same.
  • \(H_1\): \(\mu_f \neq \mu_m\) - The mean study time for males and females is not the same.

We will conduct a two sample t-test (Not a Welch test, since variance can be considered equal). We consider our data to be two samples, split into two independent groups over gender. Each of these samples responds to the same question regarding study time.
Set \((\alpha = 0.05)\)


In order to conduct a regular two-sample t-test , we assume that:

  • The females represent a random selection of independent respondents from the population of females in Data2X02. (They are iid)
  • Likewise, the males represent a random selection.
  • The males sampled are independent of the females sampled.
  • Both groups share the same variance.

These assumptions warrant further discussion, though we can identify that the variance of the observed values is close enough to be considered the same.

Test Statistic

nM = as.numeric(counts[1])
nF = as.numeric(counts[2])
sM = as.numeric(sds[1])
sF = as.numeric(sds[2])

sP = sqrt(((nM - 1) * sM^2 + (nF - 1) * sF^2)/
            (nM + nF - 2))

M_xBar = means[1]
F_xBar = means[2]

d_free = nM+nF-2

t0 = (M_xBar - F_xBar)/(sP * sqrt(1/nM + 1/nF))

p_val = 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t0), d_free))

t1 = tibble("Sp"=round(sP,2),
            "Observed Test Stat."=round(t0,2),
            "Abs. Value Test Stat."=round(abs(t0),2),
            ) %>%
  setDF() %>% kbl() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",

t2 = tibble("Deg. Freedom"=d_free,
            "Observed Test Stat."=round(t0,2),
            "Abs. Value Test Stat."=round(abs(t0),2),
            ) %>%
  setDF() %>% kbl() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",

To generate a test statistic, we have: \(T = \dfrac{{\bar M} - {\bar F}}{S_p \sqrt{\frac{1}{n_M} + \frac{1}{n_F}}}\)

Where \(S^2_p = \dfrac{(n_M-1) S_{M}^2 + (n_F-1) S_{F}^2}{n_M+n_F-2}\)

From our sample we calculate \(S_p = \sqrt{\dfrac{(101-1) 13.4^2 + (48-1) 14.4^2}{101+48-2}} = 13.7\)

To find our observed \(t_0 = \dfrac{25.5 - 30.8}{13.7 \sqrt{\frac{1}{101} + \frac{1}{48}}} = -2.2\)

Sp Observed Test Stat. Abs. Value Test Stat.
13.68 -2.24 2.24


Given \(t_0\) we can conduct our two sided t-test.

Using \(Deg. Freedom = n_M + n_F - 2 = 147\), we have:

\(\rho = 2P(t_147) \geq |-2.2 |) = 0.0265\)

Deg. Freedom Observed Test Stat. Abs. Value Test Stat. p-Value
147 -2.24 2.24 0.0265


Since \(0.0265 < \alpha\), we reject \(H_0\) in favour of \(H_1\). Provided our assumptions are valid, the data are consistent with the alternate hypothesis: The mean study time for males and females in Data2X02 is not the same.

However, we must discuss those assumptions. While we can reasonably claim equal population variance, we cannot confidently assert that either sample is iid. As discussed in the Initial Data Analysis, there is likely a non-response bias that means our samples of male and female students do not represent a random cross section of the cohort. Conceding this requires that any hypothesis test assuming independent, identically distributed samples should be challenged.
